What you need to know when you go to Bonaire?


What you need to know when you go to Bonaire?

Time difference between Bonaire and the Netherlands
The time difference between Bonaire and the Netherlands varies, depending on the summer and winter time of the Netherlands. When the clock is set forward one hour in the spring of the Netherlands, there is a time difference in the summer months between Bonaire and the Netherlands of 6 hours. Whereby it is 6 hours earlier on Bonaire.
In the Netherlands, the clock is set back one hour in winter which means it is 5 hours earlier on Bonaire. Fine right!
Just remember to coordinate the time difference with your home front before they inadvertently try to call you very early in the morning. If you're worried about jet lag, get out right away so you get into the rhythm of the island, plan some activities and explore the beautiful island.
How long is the flight to Bonaire?
Are you that traveler who dreams of Bonaire's white sandy beaches and tropical climate? Then it's nice to know what the flight time is to get there! Makes planning your trip a little easier!
We're guessing you know this, but intercontinental flights from the Netherlands only leave from Schiphol, Amsterdam. So the only way to fly to Bonaire is to leave from Schiphol Airport.
How big is Bonaire?
Bonaire has an area of about 288 km², making it quite a bit larger than Texel, which has an area of about 170 km². Still nice a comparison between two Dutch islands with a big climate difference, culture and atmosphere!
How many inhabitants does Kralendijk have?
Kralendijk, the capital of Bonaire, is the largest city on the island. The city has a population of about 20,000 (2024). Kralendijk is great to wander through, you'll find the colourful buildings, cute boutiques, a beautiful coastline along the promenade and delicious restaurants. Curious about the capital?
Where is Bonaire located?
Bonaire is an island of the Lesser Antilles in the southern part of the Caribbean Sea, you will find the island north of Venezuela and east of Aruba. Bonaire is part of the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao), which belong to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Did you know that Bonaire is much larger than Aruba but Aruba has over 100,000 inhabitants and Bonaire about 24,000.
What should I arrange when going to Bonaire?
Before you travel to Bonaire, there are some important things you'll want to have arranged before you head to the island:
#1 Travel documents: Make sure you have a valid passport. The passport must be valid throughout your stay on Bonaire. Depending on your nationality, you may need a visa. Check the visa requirements before you leave. Good to know, since 1 July 2022, visitors to Bonaire must pay a Visitors Entry Tax (tourist tax). This is USD 75 (approximately €70), children aged 12 and under pay USD 10 (approximately €10).
#2 Accommodation: Book your accommodation well in advance, especially during high season. Bonaire offers a wide range of accommodation, from (all in) resorts to holiday homes and flats.
#3 Transport: Consider how you will get around on the island. A rental car is a popular option, but you can also consider a rental scooter, for example.
#4 Activities: Are you a planner? Then fix your activities on Bonaire before you get to the island.
#5 Travel insurance: Consider getting travel insurance, after all, you never know what might happen during your trip.
What am I not allowed to bring to Bonaire?
Bonaire has strict rules on what not to bring to the island. They are no-brainers that you are not allowed to bring, but we name them anyway:
#1 Drugs: The possession and use of narcotics is illegal and severely punished.
#2 Weapons and ammunition: It is illegal to bring firearms and ammunition without the proper licence.
#3 Protected animals and plants: Taking protected species, corals, shells and other flora and fauna is illegal.
#4 Fireworks: Using and importing fireworks is prohibited.
Can you pay with euros on Bonaire?
Bonaire is of course part of the Netherlands but the official currency is the US dollar (USD). Although some places will accept euros, we still advise you to carry US Dollars with you as this is the most commonly used currency. You can choose to get some US Dollars in advance at Schiphol Airport, saves again!
How expensive is it on Bonaire?
And, of course, the last thing you need to know about Bonaire: How expensive is it on the island. Costs on Bonaire can vary depending on your lifestyle and interests. In general, Bonaire is a medium to high price range destination.
Accommodation, food in restaurants and activities tend to be more expensive compared to the Netherlands, this is because everything (yes, really everything) has to be imported from surrounding countries and the Netherlands. For example, you see the products of Jumbo and Albert Heijn fraternally next to each other in the supermarket. If you really research well and take your time, there are also cheaper options to do your shopping or eat somewhere in a cheaper eatery.
